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The WABTÉ Combo at Beaumont Middle School       

The WABTE combo at Beaumont is a small ensemble consisting of rhythm section and several horns. The unit meets bi-weekly and studies a wide range of jazz literature and improvising styles. They compete at the West Salem Jazz Festival, and perform several times during the school year at The 1905, The Mission Theater, Bottles on Fremont and Beaumont Middle School. Not for the faint of heart, combo playing pushes students performance and expressive skills in ways not possible in larger groups! Even during composed sections of performance, students in combo are likely the only one playing a very exposed part. While initially intimidating, it is this transparency that provides the deepest sense of self validation and personal growth.

Calendar of Performances

January 17th, 2019 - Mission Theater Jazz Celebration


February 5th, 2019- The 1905

-6pm Performance


February 9th, 2019 - West Salem Jazz Festival

- Meet at school at 7:45am for the bus

Marcch 14th- Beaumont Winter Concert (Rescheduled from February)


April 7th 4pm - Bottles on Fremont Beaumont Band Fundraiser

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